NEW Keynote Speaker (confirmed):
Professor Ashok Jashapara, Professor of Innovation Studies, Royal Holloway – University of London, UK
Presentation Slides here
The e-Society 2024 conference aims to address the main issues of concern within the Information Society.
This conference covers both the technical as well as the non-technical aspects of the Information Society.
Broad areas of interest are e-Government / e-Governance, e-Business / e-Commerce, Technology and Society,
e-Learning, New Media and E-Society, e-Health, Information Systems, Information Management and COVID-19 & Digital Transformation
These broad areas are divided into more detailed areas.
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference.
We are a member of Crossref, a non-profit membership organization for scholarly publishing working to make content easy to find, link, cite and assess. With this connection, each published paper in IADIS Conferences’ Proceedings will be allocated a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number for its fast and easy citation and indexation.

The conference proceedings will be submitted (pending approval) to the following indexing services (among others):

Extended versions of the best papers will be selected to be published in the following journals: of the Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE) journal (ISSN: 1741-5659) and also in the IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet (ISSN: 1645-7641).

Conference Official Language: English.
Conference Poster in PDF